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The Student Engagement Team (SET Padova) is a social promotion association established in September 2020 by a group of 13 second year master’s degree students from the Human Rights and Multilevel Governance (HRG) program at Università degli Studi di Padova (UniPD). The group was created to respond to the need for additional student-led support during the Covid 19 pandemic. We acted as an intermediary body relaying information between the student body, the faculty and the administration. At our peak, we had 25 members, and over 50 contributors and partners. although legally registered in Padova, SET operates mainly in digital spaces to allow for greater accessibility by reducing geographical barriers.

Our mission thus far has been to promote youth participation in environmental and social policy decision-making, to achieve equitable and sustainable outcomes; with the vision of becoming the pioneer trainers of young policy activists guided by the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Moving forward, we are better defining our objectives to meet the needs of our immediate community.

Over the next five years, we shall narrow our perspective onto the EU Youth Strategy for 2019-2027. The strategy based on the Council Resolution 26 November 2018 focuses on three core action areas: Engage, Connect, Empower. Through dialogues with stakeholders, the EU listed eleven cross-cutting goals that can help mobilize EU level policy instruments and actions at national, regional and local levels.

About Us



Martina V.

Organizing and delegating tasks, being responsible and accountable for deadlines, while in a team – I am using those. I had the opportunity to meet new people especially since I joined during the lockdown.   

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Nicolò P.

My experience at SET Padova was great. The atmosphere and the team are welcoming and stimulating. There is a lot of room for personal and professional growth. You can also easily work on different projects based on your competencies as well as your aspirations. 


Alice M.

I really liked what we did especially for the saVE project. I learnt a lot that I'm using right now in my job with Save the Children. With back office, I learnt how to look for funding, It is a nice place to share experiences and practice things you don't know how to do. 

 © SET PADOVA 2023

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