Alessia Ruta
Creator of the Human Rights Cafè
The Human Rights Café (HRC) is a project not like any other - and I say that with great pride. SET Padova has transformed such conversations into a habit for many students living in the City of Padova. When I presented the concept to the organization’s director, I imagined “an activity - as some kind of literary café or a book club where people discuss human rights instead of books.” What began as an idea has birthed a community of volunteers, advocates, supporters, and funders who have contributed to the promotion of human rights education across European university campuses. These meetings have created more spaces for both local and international students to engage in fun, cultural exchanges, and loosened institutional hierarchies preventing students and professors from debating candidly and strengthening relationships. The open circle setup of our meetings creates an atmosphere in which everyone’s questions, responses, and opinions are equally heard. Our determination to encourage interdisciplinary perspectives attracted attendees from departments such as engineering, psychology, and mathematics to share and acquire tools to incorporate human rights into their fields. The expansion of the HRC into Braga, Granada, Graz and Leipzig with the support of the Arqus University Alliance, has been a great accomplishment. Although the current times encourage people to stay silent and accept the status quo, our SET Padova community encourages you to speak up, in a safe space, where great change can happen. Leading this process has been an honour and a pleasant surprise.
Università di
Since April 2022
Funded by the University of Padua, and the Arqus University Alliance
One of my favourite events since coming to Padova... What I particularly liked was the diversity that was present. We created this intercultural community that offered different viewpoints and helped us analyze the issue from various perspectives. This is the best way for all of us to learn and to create intercultural dialogue which is essential for the preservation of democracy.
I am so grateful that I finally managed to be part of one of the events that SET Padova organized and it will definitely not be the last one. I am looking forward to the next Human Rights Cafè hoping that we will keep up the good atmosphere and continue making change through effective discussions.
Universidad de
November 2023 & 2024
Funded by the Arqus University Alliance
People's perspectives on the impact different phenomenons such as migration, climate change, and the rising of the far right have on human rights are very vast. Particularly people speaking from experience is nice, furthermore when you contrast it with the formal terms or concepts, like populism, the idea of it versus how it's manifested itself in recent years. Overall it was such a fun experience and I hope to be able to attend again in the future!
Universidade do
November 2023 & 2024
Funded by the Arqus University Alliance
I loved the open-mindedness and willingness to share personal experiences to make the points talked about more grounded in reality and not just theoretical.