EST 2020
Unique visitors across all platforms
A 500% increase in page visitors between Dec 2020-May 2021 on our Website, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Youtube combined.
Amount of funding awarded
We have applied for one grant during our inaugural year because we wanted to focus on refining our methodology before expanding
Workshop and seminar attendees
Between October 2020-May 2021, we organized and hosted 12 virtual meetings on various topics of interest to the student body.
Volunteers, interns, and collaborators
We have worked with members of the student body, the university and greater Padova community to mitigate the effects of Covid 19 restrictions.
Student satisfaction rating
Our surveys indicate that we have managed to address concerns within the HRG program, especially concerning transparency between the faculty and students.
Official launch
This is the year that The SET will reach further into the community, away from 100% virtual connections, to real life human interactions, partnering with local NGOs and activists to support diversity, inclusion and equity within the community.

This podcast is a revival pioneered by Professor Paolo De Stefani from the Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca". The project was supervised by The SET including human resources, production and distribution. Season one was made possible by four students from the MA Human Rights and Multilevel Governance program, and it explores difficulties encountered by human rights advocates in communicating their messages. Production on season two will begin in September 2021. Stream Now.

This revamp is a collaboration between The SET and The good Currency, which is located in Kampala, Uganda. TGC partners with local non-profit organizations to democratize philanthropy through the use of technology to reduce barriers to the donation of time, money and expertise. A non-profit organization itself, TCG's platform encourages citizens, especially youth to build networks with like-minded people motivated to improve their communities. We currently have opportunities for web developers interested improving their programming skills. Find out more.

Arguably our most active division, the digital and print media aims to communicate thoroughly complex, thoroughly researched human rights related literature to communicate their relation to contemporary global issues. Campaigns such as #communityconversations #distressreset, #setonwork, and #supportingeachother are inspired by our content creators' lived experiences, and the desire to ease the pressure felt by students to meet explicit measures of success.

We want to empower the next generation of leaders, capable of tackling global issues using a human rights approach. We provide mentorship to improve proactivity, perspective-taking, intrinsic motivation, interpersonal communication, and community strengthening. We accomplish this through seminars and workshops such as the Road to Graduation series, and experiential learning through volunteering and interning to develop skills in project planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation. We are supported through our network of upper year and alumni mentors, whose advice is available on the blog.